Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Five Purposes "Discipleship" Part I

In this weeks post I want to talk with you as CG Leaders about the issue of healthy discipleship in your connection group. What does it look like, what’s it about, is it just Bible study or is there something more? These are all normal questions that you or those in your group may be asking whether in your mind or out loud! So let’s talk about healthy discipleship…

The first thing as a CG leader that you must know about healthy discipleship is…

“The goal of discipleship is life transformation; not just information about life. & Spiritual growth is more caught than taught.”

As a group leader you must understand that you are a role model for others spiritual growth. Dallas Willard once said “As a leader, the greatest gift you give people is who you are becoming in Christ. People follow you for who you are, more than for what you do.”

Leaders MUST take time to:
• Feed their souls through a personal and consistent relationship with Jesus Christ.
• Authentically share with their group from their own spiritual journey.
• Provide spiritual growth tools and resources that group members can grow from and pass on to others.

The second thing as a CG leader that you must know about healthy discipleship is…

“Discipleship involves balancing the five purposes so we can take on the character of Christ.”
(See previous post on group life and balance)

The third thing as a CG leader that you must know about healthy discipleship is…

“Discipleship is not about running a meeting but discipling people and facilitating for life change.”

Running a meeting = dispensing information in a lecture style

Facilitating a meeting = dispensing information in a conversational style allowing for group discussion

Facilitation Tips
1. Don’t answer your own questions
2. Be comfortable with silence…even if your group isn’t
3. Encourage a deeper answer than just yes or no
4. Give affirmation to members who do contribute
5. Try to involve everyone in the group
6. Be a better listener than speaker…provide support, not quick fixes
7. Be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit


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